Each rate will be from a specific provider listed below.
A provider is the carrier that is serving the shipment. The params provider
and providerScac
will be returned on each rate
indicating the carrier providing the rate.
Carrier Name | rate.provider | rate.providerScac |
Mothership | mothership | mhpg |
ABF | abf | abfs |
Custom Companies | customCompanies | ctbv |
Forward Air | forwardAir | fwdn |
Frontline | frontline | fcsy |
Old Dominion | oldDominion | odfl |
Roadrunner | roadrunner | rdfs |
SAIA | saia | saia |
Southeastern | southeastern | sefl |
TForce | tforce | tfin |
UPS | ups | upgf |
Ward | ward | ward |
XPO | xpo | xpol |
Conway | conway | cnwy |